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Factors affecting ceramic properties of insulating ceramics

Date:2019-11-23 15:06:11

Insulating ceramics, also known as device ceramics, is a kind of high-density insulating ceramics. Alumina ceramic is one of the most widely used electronic ceramics. Electrical insulation ceramics occupy a certain proportion in electronic ceramics, and electronic ceramics occupy a large proportion in high-tech ceramics. Insulation ceramics: high resistivity, low high-frequency loss, high resistivity, used as integrated circuit board, packaging, high frequency insulation ceramics. In the power electronics industry, insulating ceramics are widely used in the installation, support, protection, insulation, isolation and physical connection of electrical appliances. For example, insulation, insulation sleeve, resistance substrate, coil frame, power tube clamp, integrated circuit board, etc.

Electrical insulating ceramics are widely used in dielectric ceramics. Alumina ceramic is mainly used for insulation, resistance, integrated circuit subgrade board, packaging tube, shell and other electronic components and circuit matrix, shell, fixed parts, sealing parts or insulation parts. Physical isolation of conductors in electrical or electronic circuits. In addition, it also plays the role of conductor mechanical support, heat dissipation and environmental protection circuit. Generally speaking, can play the above role of ceramics called insulating ceramics.

Factors affecting ceramic properties of insulating ceramics

Most ceramics are insulators. Electrons near room temperature do not readily transition to conduction by thermal excitation. Therefore, ionic conduction generated by ion diffusion is the main form of electrical conduction to be considered in insulating ceramics. The smaller the charge and volume, the easier the diffusion and the smaller the activation energy. Affected by microstructure: mainly depends on grain boundary phase and surface porosity. Glass should minimize the presence of alkali metal oxides, and choose less pores, do not absorb water dense material.